Showing the other kids his new treasures.

Brody could not have had a better day. He was too excited after the first present to open more, so we kind of had to force him to open them. What a mean mom, huh?!
Other things that have been happening:
Jeff's work is going great and he continues to get new patients. Preferred is taking him and some other staff to Disneyland on Friday! Fun for him! To help dad out we like to take the trash out for him. Brody always says "I HELP" and loves to do anything you ask him to do:

I have been staying busy watching my sister's kiddos three days a week while her business continues to pick up. Her kids are great and Brody cannot wait to see them. As you can see, I put them to WORK!!!

Her youngest daughter is a great dancer and had a dance recital a few weeks ago:

I know I am winning the worst blogger award, but I really need to do better for myself. Hopefully make a book out of our memories someday!