Every year the Rogers side does a July 4th Beach trip. Camping, laying out on the beach, and campfires.
Brody got hurt and so I put a bandaid on him. Jeff thinks that bandaids make a boy into a woosie. The next day we got busy packing up to head on down to the beach and we look over and Jeff's dad had put bandaids all over the little kid to mock Jeff.
I love to read magazines, so Brody decided to join me to do a little coloring.
All of the boys went out into the freezing cold water to body surf. They stay out there for hours catching as many waves as possible.
Jeff and Ricky digging in the sand with their boys
Steve and Ellen took Brody and Raiden out into the water. They had the time of their lives. Brody would pull my hand after that and beg me to go in with him. His lips would turn blue, but he loved it.
Sleeping on the beach-it was COLD this year!
Heather and her girls hanging out:
Rick and Kristi: