Friday, January 11, 2008

MSG overload

Jeff does a wonderful diet of all natural foods when he is in school and does really well at it. Every once in a while he goes off of the grease deep end. One of his favorite places is in the next town over called BUFFET CITY. Yes, it truly is as nasty as it looks. Everything is fried and when you walk in you get knocked over by that nasty grease smell. I ate there once and vowed I never would because my broccoli (only thing there not fried) was black and dripping with grease. Here's the real reason Jeff loves it-they have a coupon come out every once in a while which makes their take out only 3.99. Jeff wined and cried when he got back into the car because the mean lady took his coupon and he wanted to use it again before it expired. I watched a Dr. Phil episode one time about seriously obese people who can't get out of their beds and I remember one guy saying these two things: doughnuts are like litlle clouds from heaven (okay, I fully agree with that one) and that there is nothing better on this earth than take out greasy Chinese food. Well, Buffet City is just one of those unique places we will have to take anyone to who dares to come and visit us.


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Mmmm...Yum. He and Clint would get along great. Clint would eat tons of that gross food, and I would be curling my lips in disgust at how nasty it is.

Johnson Family said...

MSG is so grand!!! Actually Morgan's Uncle Buck went into a MSG coma one day after overloading on some greasy food. It was a bit scary, but that is the risk you take when you take on the MSG monster

Carlie said...

yikes. crazy. but funny, in a way, but not funny too. zzzzzzzzi rarely eat out anymore. So dang expensive and greasy. it doesnt even look appeailing

Kyla said...

yum... sounds like a classic! I got sick after eating something with too much MSG... not so fun, but Jeff looks like he's having fun chowing down!

Stoddard Studios said...

Wow, that doesn't sound that appealing. HA ha.

Kristen said...

Seriously Jeff... that is gross. Becky didn't even rat you out about having her MAIL the coupon home.