Saturday, December 1, 2007

Letter from AZ

My niece Candin sent this cute letter yesterday. She is such a great help with Brody and loves to help out anytime we visit. After Brody was born we got a book she made which was titled "What Brody's Do". In it were pages describing what she thought Brody does all day. Brody's sleep...Brody's poop...Brody's cry....You know what, she actually got it right.


Carlie said...

that is just too darn cute

Unknown said...

Soo Becky,

Where do you get your darling backgrounds from for your blog? I need HELP!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

OK I love stuff like this. Dustin sent me a letter once that had a bite taken out of the envelope. My mom taped it up and sent it anyway, he said he got hungry on the way to the mailbox and wanted to try paper to see if it tasted good!!! I still have it!

Johnson Family said...

The letter from Candin is sooooo cute, what a great memory to save on your blog!